Michael on Camie

I will give you three reasons why I’m glad to have Camie in my corner as we go through life. First, she strikes a perfect balance between maturity and fun. She knows that there are some things worth taking seriously, like managing our money, working hard, and taking care of responsibilities. But she is also great at letting loose—dancing, playing, and laughing hard. Ask anyone who knows her: Camie has an unforgettable laugh. I love it. And its an amazing asset for her as a mother.

Second, Camie is smart. She graduated from college and got good grades, but there’s more to being smart than that. She is interesting to talk to and has great ideas. She is open-minded and creative. She comes up with great ideas for her time with Shayla and is a great teacher. I love to talk with her about everything from the meaning of life to the day’s small events.

Third, Camie loves with her whole heart. There are no wishy-washy emotions with her. Camie is sensitive and caring, especially when it comes to those close to her. Her memory is amazing—she can remember details of things that have happened years ago—because of how much she loves the people that have crossed her path. She always demonstrates genuine concern for me, and I know she would do anything for me. She tells me and Shayla she loves us at least a dozen times a day, and I know she means it every time. I couldn't ask for a better companion, and Shayla and I are lucky to have her in our lives.